Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dear Summer...

It's been WAY too long since we've last seen each other. I miss you more and more everyday that you're not here. The end of the school year is such a drag and does not get along with me well. School work and tests are getting ridiculous and it's stressing me out. All I can think about when I'm sitting in the classroom is you.

I feel sorry for Spring...I could be such good friends with her, but....I'M STILL IN SCHOOL, so I can't. Please apologize for me the next time you see her. She's so beautiful, and I feel bad she gets the shaft.

I have so many things to do with you while you're here this year and I can't wait any longer! There's Vacation Bible School, Drumline camps, family vacation, the fourth of July, conditioning, possibly YMCA boot camp, completing the Beatrice Drumline 100 things to do list, MISSIONS TRIP, band camp, and much more. Oh and by the way, I would totally love it if you could be extra sunny this year. I really need a tan! Speaking of tanning....I need a new swim suit. If you could talk to Mom for me about getting on top of that, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

I hope your break has been awesome and you're ready to come and stay for a while. We are long overdue for some hang out time! I'll see you soon. Love ya!

Yours Truly,
Kelsi KahleRae :)

P.S. Please hurry! Thanks.

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